Workshop On Matlab Image Processing
Want to learn technical computing and fourth-generation programming language!!!
Here we have come with Workshop based on Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB)
Project Description
- Overview
- Course
- Project
- Kit
- Photo Gallery
- Video Gallery
Matlab workshop mainly focuses on the student eager to learn about Matrix Laboratory which is a high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. Using MATLAB, a student can analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models and applications. The language, tools and built-in math functions provide to explore multiple approaches and reaches to solution faster than with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages. MATLAB can be used for a range of applications including signal processing and communications, image and video processing, control systems, test and measurement, computational finance, and computational biology.
The duration of this workshop will be two consecutive days with eight hours session each day, in a total of sixteen hours properly divided into theory and hand on practical sessions. At the end of this workshop a competition will be organized among the participating students where each participating student will get Certificate of Participation and the Winners will get Certificate of Merit.
Workshop Level : Intermediate Level
Best Suited for: All B.Tech/B.E./BCA/BSc Students
Workshop Certification: Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Kits Source : 
Day 1 (Session 1)
Introduction to MATLAB
- What is MATLAB
- The dominance of MATLAB over other languages
- Power of Matrix computations
- The application of MATLAB in various fields of engineering
- MATLAB Environment
Arithmetic Functions in MATLAB
- Matrixes and Vectors
- Creating Matrixes and Vectors
- Matrix Operation
- Array Operation
- Indexing Matrix
- Adding Elements to Vector or Matrix
- Various Flow Control used in MATLAB
- 2D & 3D graphical Plotting
Day 1 (Session 2)
Introduction to Image Processing
- What is Image Data
- Image Processing Toolbox
- Importing Image
- How to build a matrix image
- Image Display
- Image Operations
- Image Conversion
Image Arithmetic
- Adding Images
- Subtracting Images
- Multiplying Images
- Dividing Images
- Spatial Transformation
- Resizing Images
- Rotating Images
- Cropping Images
Image Filtration
- What is Image Restoration
- Noise and Images
- Noise Models
- Noise removal using spatial domain filtering
- Periodic noise
- Noise removal using frequency domain filtering
Day 2 (Session 3)
Morphological Image Processing
- Mathematic Morphology
- Z2 and Z3
- Basic set theory
- Logic Operations
- Structuring Element
- How to describe Structuring Element
- Basic Morphological Operations
- Erosion
- Dilation
- Combining Erosion and Dilation
- Filtering Application
Introduction to Graphical User Interface
Application and Demos
Day 2 (Session 4)
Zonal Competition
After the hand on theory and practical experience from the workshop, Zonal Round Competition will be conducted for the participants.
Certificate Distribution
On behalf of Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Certificate of Merit will be provided to all Zonal Round Winners and Certificate of Participation will be provided to all the Zonal Round Participants (Excluding Merit Participants).
Project to be Covered
- 2D & 3D Graphical Representation
- Image Comparison
- Image Pairing
- Matrices Manipulation
- Filtering of Noise
- Red Object Detection
- GUI Based Calculator
- GUI Based Image Transforms
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery
Workshop Highlights
- Working with Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB)
- Use of mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics
- Use of visualization data and tools
- Application in iterative exploration and problem solving
- Application of Image acquisition and Processing Tool
- Real Time working Projects
- Certificate by Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Certificate of Participation to all Zonal participants
- Certificate of Merit to all Zonal Winners
- Straight Entry into Final Round of National Level Robotics Championship
- Chance to represent yourself in IIT (Indian Institute of Technology)
- Enhance your Knowledge through various Live Projects
- Attractive On Spot Cash Prizes for all Final Round Winners