Distance Learning in Ethical Hacking
BUY Now & Get Certified with our Distance Learning Program
- Overview
- Course
- Project
- Kit
This Program mainly focuses on the Individuals eager to Ethical Hacking through Distance Education. It features a brief introduction to the world of hacking
starting with the importance of ethical hackers and their need in today's world scenario, including to the basics of networking that will help you have a deep understanding of the working of internet.
The duration of this module is 30 days. After completion of the Learning Section the Individual have to give examination on any working day within 3 Months,
prior he/she has to lock the Examination Date within 2 days of completion of Learning Section.
On successful completion of the Program Individual will be provided with Certificate of Distance Learning Program certified by Robosapiens Technologies Pvt.
Duration: 30 Days
Best Suited For: Individual Eager to Learn Ethical Hacking *
Fees: 4900/- (Including Courier Charge)
Project: 21 Projects Live
Training Kit: Robosapiens DLK (For details view KIT Tab)
Delivery: DLK will be delivered to you in 5 working days after receiving your payment
Examination: You can give exam on any working day within 3 Months #
Certification: DLC from Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. @
Kits Source :

* Pre knowledge- Basic of Computer, Internet & Networking.
# corresponding to the exam date locked, you will receive the online exam sheet at 10:30AM and you have to submit the answer sheet online on the same day
before 1:30PM.
@ Certificate will be issued only if you secure 50% or above marks in exam
1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
- What is hacking?
- Who is a hacker?
- Kinds of hackers.
- What do hackers do?
- Ethical Hacking & Its importance
2. Introduction to Networking
- What is network?
- Various topologies used in a network.
- Networking devices and its working.
3. Introduction to Internet
- Importance of internet?
- Difference between intranet and extranet?
- What is Google hacking and its benefits?
Live Project 2: Magic of 94FBR
4. Windows OS Hacking
- What is meant by Windows hacking?
- What is command prompt in windows?
- Major commands for Windows hacking.
- How to create a bootable pen drive?
Live Project 4: Hacking through a live booting.
5. Phishing
- What is phishing?
- How to identify a phishing page?
- How to create a phishing page?
- How to create a local server?
- What is url shortner?
Live Project 6: Facebook account hacking on local server.
Live Project 7: Gmail account hacking on local server.
Live Project 8: Facebook account hacking on real server.
Live Project 9: Gmail account hacking on real server.
6. Steganography
- A big confusion "Steganoraphy or Stenography".
- Types of Steganography.
Live Project 11: Hide a text file in an audio/video file.
Live Project 12: Hide executable file in an image file.
7. Social Engineering Attack
- What is social engineering attack?
- Impact of Social Engineering Attack?
- What are dos attacks?
- 'LOIC 'as a dos attack tool.
9. Fake Emails
- What are fake emails?
- How can we detect fake emails?
10. Virus
- What is virus?
- What is batch programming
11. Information Gathering
- Importance of Information gathering?
- Tools which can be used?
12. MITM Attack
- What is man in the middle attack?
- MITM attack tools.
Live Project 19: Sniffing of username and password from a virtual network.
13. SQL Injection
- What is SQL?
- What is meant by SQL Injection?
- How to search a link vulnerable for SQL injection?
Live Project 21: SQL Injection to hack a website
Project to be Covered
- Live demonstration of Google dorks.
- Magic of 94FBR.
- Hacking through command prompt.
- Hacking through a live booting.
- Creation of free domain.
- Facebook account hacking on local server.
- Gmail account hacking on local server.
- Facebook account hacking on real server.
- Gmail account hacking on real server.
- Hide a text file in an image file.
- Hide a text file in a audio/video file.
- Hide executable file in a image file.
- A scenario showing social engineering attack.
- DOS ATTACK on a weak website.
- Sending a fake email.
- Creation of a virus to automatically shutdown the computer.
- Information gathering by NMAP?
- Creation of virtual environment for session hijacking.
- Sniffing of username and password from a virtual network.
- Preparation of MySql database & executing SQL commands.
- SQL Injection to hack a website.
DLK Content for Ethical Hacking
1x (Booklet with step by step Instructions)(Vol1)
2x (Tool Kit DVD)
- Zip Window Xp Vmx File
- Zip Backtrack Vmx File
- VMware-player
- Books
- Software
- Video Tutorial