QuadCopter Workshop
It's not a Bird, it's not a Plane, It's a QuadCopter aircraft!!!
Now, we have come with Quadcopter Workshop based on KK Multicopter control board version 5.5 / DJI Naza-M lite Multi-rotor Stabilization Controller Board.
Project Description
- Overview
- Course
- Project
- Kit
- Photo Gallery
- Video Gallery
Quadcopter is a multi rotor air vehicle which has marked its interests for the benefit of both civil and military domains. It's amazing maneuverability and the ease to fly in constricted locations has achieved itself a remarkable position in the aviation sector. Our workshop helps participants understand the concepts and use of accelerometer sensor, microcontrollers, and wireless communication in designing and controlling a Quadcopter.
The duration of this workshop will be two consecutive days with eight hours session each day, in a total of sixteen hours properly divided into theory and hand on practical sessions. At the end of this workshop a competition will be organized among the participating students where each participating student will get Certificate of Participation and the Winners will get Certificate of Merit.
Workshop Level : Intermediate Level
Best Suited for: All B.Tech/B.E./BCA/BSc. Students
Workshop Certification: Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Workshop Training Kit : Robosapiens Basic QuadCopter Kit **
Kits Source :

** The Basic QuadCopter Kit includes Glass Fiber QuadCopter Frame with integrated Power Distribution Circuit, 2 Pair Legs and 2 Pair Propellers Only.
Day 1 (Session 1)
Introduction to Multicopter
- Definition
- History of Quadcopter
- Difference between different types of Multicopter
- Applications of Quadcopter
- Uses of Quadcopter
- Working Mechanism
- Operating Techniques
- Constructional Techniques
Base of Multicopter
- Frame
- Types of Frame
- Frame Configuration
- Propeller
- History of Propeller
- Theory and Designing of Propeller
- Standard Propeller Size
- Different forces acting on Propeller
- Understanding Propeller Size and Control
- Analysis of Propeller Pitch, Diameter and RPM
- Types of Motors
- Basic working concept of Motors
- Characteristics of BLDC
- Advantages of BLDC
- Applications of BLDC
- Theory of operation of BLDC
- Different Phase BLDC Motor
- Evaluation of BLDC
Day 1 (Session 2)
Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
- Features
- Working
- Pulse Width Modulation
- Interfacing of ESCs
- Start up Procedures
- Protection Methods
- Trouble Shooting
Overview of Sensor
- Definition
- Different Types of Sensors
- Use of Sensor in QuadCopter
- Interfacing of Sensors
Introduction to Flight Controller Board
This session would deal with the basics of Microcontroller. The focus will be on the AVR series micro controller- ATMega168, which is one of the most powerful and widely used 8 bit micro controller.
- What is Microcontroller?
- Difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor.
- Microcontroller Architecture and Interfacing.
- Understanding the detailed pin out of the Microcontroller.
- Understanding different protocols and peripherals of Flight Controller Board
- How can we use Microcontroller in our Own Circuits?
Introduction to Battery
- Difference between Lithium Ion (Li-ion) and Lithium Polymer (Lipo) Battery
- Characteristics of Lipo Battery
- Benefits and Downsides of using Lipo
- Charging Lipo Battery
- Maximum charge voltage and current
- How to overcome over discharging
- Do’s and Don’ts for Lipo
- Safety Precautions
Day 2 (Session 3)
Radio Devices
- Definition
- Use of RC Remote Control
- Understanding Radio Transmitter
- Types of Radio Transmitter
- Different Channels of Radio transmitter
- Basic Functionalities of RC Transmitter
Assembling the Robosapiens Quadcopter Mega DIY Kit
Installation of Software and Debugging
- Flashing the Firmware into Flight Controller Board with the use of Programmer
- Updating the Firmware
- Synchronizing RC Transmitter and Receiver
- Calibrating RC Transmitter
- Working with Flying Model Simulator (FMS)
Live Flying Session with Experts Guidance
Day 2 (Session 4)
Zonal Competition
After the hand on theory and practical experience from the workshop, Zonal Round Competition will be conducted for the participants.
Certificate Distribution
On behalf of Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Certificate of Merit will be provided to all Zonal Round Winners and Certificate of Participation will be provided to all the Zonal Round Participants (Excluding Merit Participants).
Project Covered
- Line Follower Robot
- Edge Evoiding Robot
- Wall Follower Robot
- Light Searching Robot
- Photo Phobic Robot
Reference Booklet.
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery
Workshop Highlights
- Designing of QuadCopter
- Uses of Actuators and Motors
- Assembling of various Component's
- Use of software Firmware Update
- Calibration of Transmitter and Receiver
- Live flying with Experts Guidance
- FREE KIT to Individual Group
- Certificate by Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Certificate of Participation to all Zonal participants
- Certificate of Merit to all Zonal Winners
- Straight Entry into Final Round of National Level QuadCopter Championship
- Chance to represent yourself in IIT (Indian Institute of Technology)
- Enhance your Knowledge from the Experts
- Attractive On Spot Cash Prizes for all Final Round Winners